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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The love of sesame street.....

So after school I got me something to eat and turned on the TV. and to my happy surprise sesame street was beginning. The song at the beginning made me tear up. Yes that song makes me tear up!....I watched it with my mother when I was 3 and 4 years old, the best years of my life! sesame street gave me this idea!! This is one of my all time favorite songs!! Hymn 101 by Joe Pug. I did the drawings, You will want to turn off the other music. I hope you like! long live sesame street!!


Christine said...

sesame street is great! we watch it every day! I love this.

Marie Mecham said...

Carrie I love this! This totally reminds me of sesame street. It reminds me of the little guy who was drawn on the side of a cup and would take little you remember him? Plus I know they did little segments just like you did. So creative!